Monday, June 13, 2016

A Very Colorful Quilt

Summer is HERE!!! 
Pretty much only pool days are in our foreseeable future. 
Houston got more than its fair share of the water in this country for the last month and a half. 
It's made life just that much crazier with four little kids that get SERIOUS cabin fever. 
And it just keeps raining and raining and raining. 
Even more showers are expected today. 
But you know what happens to a quilter that can't leave home? 
They sew and sew and sew some more.
Quilting makes such a great hobby. 
But all us quilters already know that. :) 

The mushrooms are popping out everywhere from all the moisture. 
The orange ones are my favorite. 
Or course. 

And my little project during the last few weeks of storms was this half square triangle quilt in about an hundred kona cotton colors. 

I used an orange striped binding.
Because if you can pick any color, it should be orange. :)
The backing circles fabric I found was a perfect geometric juxtaposition and compliment to the front - Juggling Summer by Zen Chic for Moda. 

To give this quilt the right balance of all the crazy colors, I actually laid out half of the blocks to my liking, then used rotational symmetry to make the second half feel balanced but not mirrored. 
And I'd be surprised if anyone even notices it.
I mean, I can't and I made it.

I'm calling it my "Stairway to HST (Half Square Triangle) Heaven" and it finished at 64.5" x 64.5." 
This one's going in the shop.